Linguistic Security as a Factor of Ensuring the Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation

  • Boris Andreevich Zhigalev
  • Sergei Vasil'evich Ustinkin
How to Cite
Zhigalev B.A., Ustinkin S.V. Linguistic Security as a Factor of Ensuring the Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 10. P. 32-41.


The authors consider the essence and the content as well as the acute problems of ensuring linguistic safety of the Russian Federation in the legal, political, social and individual political aspects. The concept of linguistic security has a complex multilevel structure, a hierarchy of goals and objectives, and interconnected directions. Thus the main goal of the policy of linguistic security is preserving the geopolitical code of the country and the genetic code of society which can guarantee such a state of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral relations which ensures safe existence, equal development and cooperation of official and national languages and cultures; effective implementation of fundamental rights and freedoms aimed at securing socio-cultural, spiritual and intellectual development of people and citizens. The culture of coexistence and interaction of a variety of ethnic groups, confessions, languages established in our country throughout many centuries, can be considered as a unique civilizational potential. However, the historical experience of mutual development must find new effective forms of its implementation.
policy of linguistic security, main directions of language policy, geopolitical code of state, Russian cultural dominant idea, linguistic identity, language rights, language ecology, vernaculization, linguistic nationalism, cultural and linguisti


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Zhigalev, B. A., & Ustinkin, S. V. (2015). Linguistic Security as a Factor of Ensuring the Sustainable Development of the Russian Federation. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(10), 32-41. Retrieved from