What Meanings Does the Contemporary Culture Form?

  • Oleg Aleksandrovich Mitroshenkov no@email.ru
How to Cite
Mitroshenkov O.A. What Meanings Does the Contemporary Culture Form?. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 9. P. 200-207.


The review considers the fundamental work of Russian scientist-culturologist Andrei Pelipenko «Culture and meaning» (2012). The author examines the subtle mechanisms of origin of culture, a transition from nature to culture, from the animal state to the man; from the implicative, potential world to the explicative, real-existing one. As the core of the study appears a meaning genetic theory of culture, based on a broad scientific material. In the book the basis of the interdisciplinary synthesis and the main ideas and features of the meaning genetic theory approach are shown. According to the author culture is only one of the intermediate links in the chain of global evolution.
culture, meaning, meaning genetic theory, anthroposystem, universal empathic link, global evolutionary vectors, implicative world, local cultural system, logocentric system, functional hemispheric asymmetry, psychosphere mediation
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Mitroshenkov, O. A. (2015). What Meanings Does the Contemporary Culture Form?. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(9), 200-207. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/3006