Institutional and Interpersonal Trust in the Process of Consolidation of the Russian Society

  • Galina Borisovna Kosharnaya
How to Cite
Kosharnaya G.B. Institutional and Interpersonal Trust in the Process of Consolidation of the Russian Society. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 9. P. 125-129.


In the article on the basis of the results of sociological research the data on the low level of consolidation of the regional society is presented. The paper analyzes features and contradictions of institutional and interpersonal trust in the region. The research allowed revealing the contradiction between the high level of trust in federal institutions and low – in local and regional ones. It is established that a high level of interpersonal trust is coupled with a low level of institutional trust; it is proved that for consolidation of the Russian society the increase of the level of institutional trust is necessary
trust, institutional trust, interpersonal trust, consolidation, fragmentation of society


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Kosharnaya, G. B. (2015). Institutional and Interpersonal Trust in the Process of Consolidation of the Russian Society. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(9), 125-129. Retrieved from