Iceland, EU, Russia: Problems of Integration and Interaction

  • Viktor Victorovich Butchenko
  • Andrei Gennad'evich Branitskii
How to Cite
Butchenko V.V., Branitskii A.G. Iceland, EU, Russia: Problems of Integration and Interaction. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 132-134.


The article is devoted to the problem of strengthening the dialogue and cooperation between the European Union and its member states, Iceland, associated with the EU under the European Economic Area, and Russia. The authors argue that the refusal of Iceland to continue European integration in the short term will mean some loss of image for the EU. However, there is no alternative for cooperation of the EU, Iceland and Russia in the economic sphere - in the framework of the Northern Dimension and beyond it. All sides of this triangle should, if possible, mitigate the apparent conflicts of interest and strive for mutually beneficial compromise. They conclude that it’s too early to speak about the integration of all countries of the Euro-Arctic region, including Iceland and Russia.
European Union, Iceland, Russia, integration, cooperation, Northern Dimension, European economic area


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Butchenko, V. V., & Branitskii, A. G. (2015). Iceland, EU, Russia: Problems of Integration and Interaction. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(2), 132-134. Retrieved from