Islam in the Political and Legal Matrix of the North Caucasus People

  • Nuradin Umarpashaevich Khanaliev
How to Cite
Khanaliev N.U. Islam in the Political and Legal Matrix of the North Caucasus People. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 21. No. 4. P. 79-83.


The paper analyzes some aspects and features of the influence of Islamic fundamentalism on the socio-cultural, political and cultural systems of the peoples of the national republics of the North Caucasus. Spesial atention is focused on the aims of Wahhabism, which play a significant role in changing the ideological and political orientations and political behavior of certain categories of in population of the region, as well as in fomenting instability and conflicts.  
religion, Islam, Islamism, political Islam, fundamentalism, Wahhabism


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Khanaliev, N. U. (2015). Islam in the Political and Legal Matrix of the North Caucasus People. Vlast’ (The Authority), 21(4), 79-83. Retrieved from