10 years’ Anniversary of the UN Convention against Corruption: Successes and Achievements

  • Vladislav Anatol'evich Suhanov sukhanowlad@mail.ru
How to Cite
Suhanov V.A. 10 years’ Anniversary of the UN Convention against Corruption: Successes and Achievements. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 21. No. 10. P. 181-184.


The article is dated for the UNCAC 10 th anniversary and is dedicated to the milestones of its implementation; special attention is paid to the prospects for the global anti-corruption campaign.
corruption, United Nations Convention against Corruption, anti-corruption campaign, struggle against corruption, international cooperation, civil society


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Rezolyuciya 3/1 Konferencii gosudarstv -uchastnikov Konvencii OON protiv korrupcii// URL: http://www.unodc.org/documents/treaties/UNCAC/COSP/session3/V1051987r.pdf

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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Suhanov, V. A. (2015). 10 years’ Anniversary of the UN Convention against Corruption: Successes and Achievements. Vlast’ (The Authority), 21(10), 181-184. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/2909