Material Support of Provincial Board Employees in Simbirsk and Kazan Provinces in the Second Half of the 19th – at the Beginning of the 20th Century

  • Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Solov'eva
How to Cite
Solov’eva E.A. Material Support of Provincial Board Employees in Simbirsk and Kazan Provinces in the Second Half of the 19th – at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 21. No. 1. P. 154-156.


The article analyzes a material support of Simbirsk and Kazan provinces government civil servants. Special attention is paid to its size of and how it has changed over time.
local government, provincial government, employees, budget, salary, fee


Svod zakonov Rossijskoj imperii (SZRI). -SPb., 1912, vol. III, st. 541.

SZRI. -SPb., 1912, vol. III. Prilozhenie k st. 544, p. 165.

NART, f. 2, op. 2, d. 12283, l. 15-16.

NART, f. 2, op. 2, d. 12225, l. 3.

Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Ul'yanovskoj oblasti (GAUO), f. 88, op. 5, d. 66, l. 4.

GAUO, f. 88, op. 4, d. 200, l. 37(ob)-38, l.153-154.

Zajonchkovskij P. A. Pravitel'stvennyj apparat samoderzhavnoj Rossii. -M., 1979, p. 76.

NART, f. 2, op. 1, d. 1728, l.149-150(ob); op. 2, d. 12283, l. 15-16.

NART, f. 2, op. 2, d. 12610, l.1-6.

GAUO, f. 88, op. 5, d. 109, l. 9.
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Solov’eva, E. A. (2015). Material Support of Provincial Board Employees in Simbirsk and Kazan Provinces in the Second Half of the 19th – at the Beginning of the 20th Century. Vlast’ (The Authority), 21(1), 154-156. Retrieved from