Specific features of the Polish parliamentarism at the present stage

  • Alitsiya Stempen'-Kuchinska kspul@uni.lodz.pl
  • Andrei Eduardovich Lyul'kovskii andrzejlulkowski@gmail.com
How to Cite
Stempen’-Kuchinska A., Lyul’kovskii A.E. Specific features of the Polish parliamentarism at the present stage. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 185-189.


Poland became the first country of the Eastern bloc that embraced democratic transition. The Round Table negotiations in which representatives of Communist Party (Polish United Workers’ Party) and Solidarność took part, started on 6 June, 1989. The process of creation of a new Polish state and the transition to a new political and social direction was associated with the need to develop and implement new political institutes, especially the institute of election of political elites. As a result of the Round Table negations the bicameral legislative National Assembly was created: it consisted of Seym, which is the Lower chamber, and Senate, the Upper chamber. The political scene in Poland is very diverse. However, the political competition is fixed mainly between the two dominant political forces – the «Law and Justice» and the «Civic Platform» parties.
elections, National assembly of the Republic of Poland, electoral law


Piasecki A.K. 2004. Wybory parlamentarne, samorządowe, prezydenckie 1989–2002. Toruń.

Tomczak Ł. 2006. Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe – trwały element polskiego parlamentu?– Partie i ugrupowania parlamentarne III rzeczypospolitej (K. Kowalczyka, J. Sielskiego, red.). Toruń.
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Stempen’-Kuchinska, A., & Lyul’kovskii, A. E. (2015). Specific features of the Polish parliamentarism at the present stage. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(2), 185-189. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/2827