John Rawls' theory of justice approach to the intergenerational justice as guiding idea of the concept of sustainable development

  • Anton Vladimirovich Katasonov
How to Cite
Katasonov A.V. John Rawls’ theory of justice approach to the intergenerational justice as guiding idea of the concept of sustainable development. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 2. P. 157-162.


The paper deals with the problem of rational foundation of our moral obligations to future generations, using the key statements of John Rawls’ theory of justice. The Rawls’ theory proposes the so called moral basis for the normative demand, that no generation should inherit less human and natural wealth than the one that preceded it
sustainable development, sustainability, Brundtland Commission, Rawls, theory of justice, future generations, intergenerational justice, environment, natural capital


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Katasonov, A. V. (2015). John Rawls’ theory of justice approach to the intergenerational justice as guiding idea of the concept of sustainable development. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(2), 157-162. Retrieved from