The Chancellor of the German Empire von B low and his Maneuvering among Political Parties in 1900–1906

  • Il'ya Pavlovich Maksimov
How to Cite
Maksimov I.P. The Chancellor of the German Empire von B low and his Maneuvering among Political Parties in 1900–1906. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 9. P. 157-161.


This article analyzes the tactics of the German government towards political parties in the early 20th century and Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow is defined as the central figure. Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow sought to establish good contacts with all parties, also flirting with the socialists. The author notes that the important place in domestic actions of the head of the government was let to the Centre Party, which possessed the largest faction in the Reichstag. The elections to the Reichstag in 1903 were an important political event of the first phase of the chancellorship of von Bülow that demonstrated the likes and dislikes of the leading parties. The triumph of the socialists during the elections made it possible to create a new opportunity for integration of the party into the German parliamentary system. So Bulow was forced to revise his position in building the party system in Germany.
German Empire, political parties, B. von Bülow, elections to Reichstag


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Maksimov, I. P. (2015). The Chancellor of the German Empire von B low and his Maneuvering among Political Parties in 1900–1906. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(9), 157-161. Retrieved from