Participation of a Person in Providing National Security as a Research Problem

  • Oleg Anatol'evich Lipatov
How to Cite
Lipatov O.A. Participation of a Person in Providing National Security as a Research Problem. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 22. No. 10. P. 87-90.


The article is devoted to the study of the mechanism of personal participation in public politics in the sphere of national security. The author analyzes the problem of the personal participation in the sphere of national security as a research problem, that demand a specific approach and the totally innovative view on the place of personality in the system of execution of the national security. In order to define the problem, the author analyzed paradigms of the personal place in politics and categories of political participation and orientation of a person. The legal, psychological, sociological, and political components of the problem are also studied in the article. Talking about the role of a person in providing the national security the author concludes that it is now a factor, that is used by government to solve the actual tasks. The article is concluded by the list of questions, which reveal the main essence of the problem.
person, state national security, society, paradigm, social community, methodology


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Lipatov, O. A. (2016). Participation of a Person in Providing National Security as a Research Problem. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(10), 87-90. Retrieved from