Sobornost as a Factor of Spiritual Culture in Russia

  • Elena Viktorovna Aralova
How to Cite
Aralova E.V. Sobornost as a Factor of Spiritual Culture in Russia. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 7. P. 130-134.


The article considers the sources of the phenomenon of sobornost (collectivism). The author tries to demonstrate, that during the centuries sobornost joined the Russian nation, motivated people to make the spiritual unity in the name of goodness and justice and later to join the prosperity of Russian state. Sobornosn is a phenomenon of the Russian culture that leads to strengthening of the Russian people collective self-consciousness in contrast to the ideas of egoism, pitiless pragmatism and individualism. So the revival of the sobornost phenomenon would mean the new way of consolidation for our society in conditions of new attacks and threats.
spiritual culture, sobornost (collectivism), nation unity, collective self-consciousness, revival, philosophical conception, national idea, cultural and historical experience


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Aralova, E. V. (2015). Sobornost as a Factor of Spiritual Culture in Russia. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(7), 130-134. Retrieved from