The Sacred «Shadow Power» as a Tool of Legitimization of Power in Primitive Societies

  • Aleksei Mikhailovich Konopkin
How to Cite
Konopkin A.M. The Sacred «Shadow Power» as a Tool of Legitimization of Power in Primitive Societies. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 7. P. 125-130.


The article investigates the mystical aspect of political power, which is associated with the priests, shamans and pseudoscientific practices. Author proves that the legitimization of political power in ancient societies included religious and mystical component, even if there is no direct deification of the ruler. This happened due to priests, who played the role of a «shadow» power center. Priests conducted the court and determined the rules and rituals for the court, which were often pseudoscientific. Such a mechanism of the legitimizing power existed long before the advent of monotheistic religions. Desires of a priest or leader with the use of pseudoscientific explanation were issued for the desire of nature. This permits uniting power, society and nature in universal system.
power, shaman, pseudoscience, sacrality


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Konopkin, A. M. (2015). The Sacred «Shadow Power» as a Tool of Legitimization of Power in Primitive Societies. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(7), 125-130. Retrieved from