Communications in the Mongol Empire

  • Boris Vandanovich Bazarov
How to Cite
Bazarov B.V. Communications in the Mongol Empire. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2016. Vol. 22. No. 10. P. 34-39.


The article describes the organization of the communications in the Mongol Empire. The author pays attention to the stages of development of the road communications and communication services, diplomatic mail and state systems of the information delivery. It is interesting to fix the description of this system by the well-known travelers of the Middle Ages. With the significant changes the yams system in Mongolia was keeping safe until the formation of the Mongolian People’s Republic. Medieval system of communications was one of the great institutions of the Mongolian empire which was borrowed by other countries of Eurasia and particularly by the Russian state. This system of communications played the great role in general functioning of the whole empire, served as an urgent postal and courier service. It was also used for coordination of hostilities that contributed to the success of the Mongol army.
connection, communications, roads, yams system, cardboard tract, post office, couriers, trade, paitsza, travelling papers, messenger


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Bazarov, B. V. (2016). Communications in the Mongol Empire. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(10), 34-39. Retrieved from