The Ethics of Political Institutions as a Component of Political Ethics

  • Tat'yana Vasil'evna Karadzhe
How to Cite
Karadzhe T.V. The Ethics of Political Institutions as a Component of Political Ethics. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 7. P. 110-115.


The author offers a new (rational and moral) basis of typologization of the trust (the thoughtless and reasonable trust, the spontaneous and voluntary trust), studying the place of a problem of a social trust in the modern society. The author offers an original technique of training in the full rational trust. A process of a trust includes: (1) the understanding respect: we have to understand and to accept the other one in such a way as he or she actually is, (2) the self-devastation: understanding and acceptance of the other one assumes the readiness to forget about itself, (3) the courage in trust: rendering the trust to somebody is always connected with a lot of risk, which can be minimized. The author proves that the destruction of the spontaneous trust in our days can be compensated by training in the reasonable, rational trust, which has a positive forming force. At the end of the article the concept of full-fledged trust is entered.
political ethics, morals, system of moral values, policy, institute’s ethics, professional ethics, ethics of resistance and civil disobedience


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Karadzhe, T. V. (2015). The Ethics of Political Institutions as a Component of Political Ethics. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(7), 110-115. Retrieved from