The Police Reform in Russia: Problems and Prospects

  • Evgenii Vladimirovich Kirichek
How to Cite
Kirichek E.V. The Police Reform in Russia: Problems and Prospects. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 7. P. 59-63.


The article gives a comprehensive assessment of the police reform in Russia, including its positive and negative sides. The article discusses the most important problems in this sphere, and author tries to formulate the comprehensive measures aimed at their solution. The author explores the normative legal base in this sphere, analyses the statistical data concerning violations of discipline and legality in the activities of the police and makes a number of constructive conclusions about the needs of the Russian society in order to enhance the confidence to the police. The author concludes that one of the important reasons of the low trust to the police is the ongoing police reform and the instability of legislation.
police, civil society, interaction, problems, prospects, rights, freedom, man, citizen


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Kirichek, E. V. (2015). The Police Reform in Russia: Problems and Prospects. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(7), 59-63. Retrieved from