Initiatives of territorial public selfgovernment in Russian ecovillages

  • Margarita Yur'evna Shchukina
How to Cite
Shchukina M.Y. Initiatives of territorial public selfgovernment in Russian ecovillages. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 8. P. 62-65.


This article discusses a background of realization of Russian ecovillage's initiatives in the development of territorial public self-government. Low activity of the population in the territorial self-government creation is characterized by such features as exclusion from the public life, individualism, dependency, consumerism, and legal nihilism. In addition, territorial self-government is of great political importance for sustainable rural development, preservation of social and cultural identity of the local population, guarantee of public control and food security. Therefore, the state program of integration of ecovillages as a subject of the sustainable development of the rural areas will create conditions for development of territorial public self-government. An important tool of the state support in this context would be promotion of ecovillages to the status of settlements.
territorial public self-government, social and territorial community, sustainable development of rural areas, rural settlements, ecovillage


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Shchukina, M. Y. (2015). Initiatives of territorial public selfgovernment in Russian ecovillages. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(8), 62-65. Retrieved from