The role of external factor in the context of modernization

  • Elena Vladimirovna Bodrova
How to Cite
Bodrova E.V. The role of external factor in the context of modernization. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 8. P. 9-14.


The article analyzes the role of external factor in the course of modernization. The post-Soviet experiences in Russia are analyzed. The author concludes that it is impossible to use the neo-liberal strategies for implementation of the government economic policy in the situation of increasing significance of the subjective and the socio-cultural factors in the geopolitical and economic situation. According to the author’s position, the need for a new industrialization in Russia does not mean the direct copying of the foreign experience, as well as the restoration of the Soviet industry with its flaws and structural imbalances. But one should think about the importance of social programs and about correlation of modernization strategies in accordance with traditions of Russian society. Historical experience shows that the successful modernization transformations are provided by the active role for the state, considerable costs, creation of favorable economic conditions.
modernization, external factor, Russia, socio-economic policy, globalization, tradition


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Bodrova, E. V. (2015). The role of external factor in the context of modernization. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(8), 9-14. Retrieved from