Meaningful and Valuable Significances of Ceremonial

  • Anna Igorevna Bazhanova
How to Cite
Bazhanova A.I. Meaningful and Valuable Significances of Ceremonial. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 125-128.


The issue of both notional and value meanings of ritual is considered in the article. The author compares a ritual and a game. Ritual is defined as a social and modern action. The process of a ceremonial is broadcasted in the framework of political space. Also risks of theatrical reality appearance in the context of the political space are revealed. The common characteristics of every ceremonial are shown. The author defined the feature of ceremonial, which is its extraordinary vitality. It is also noted that the notional approach to the study of rituals in different social or cultural context is sufficiently rooted in scientific practice. Also ceremonial culture that includes rituals themselves and their interpretation by participants and observers is studied. The functions of rituals in everyday life of society are identified.
ceremonial, rite, game, social theatricality, political space, ritual properties, ceremonial culture, risk factors, risks in game space


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Bazhanova, A. I. (2015). Meaningful and Valuable Significances of Ceremonial. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(3), 125-128. Retrieved from