Ideological Influence of Moscow and Kolomna Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov) on the Agrarian Reform in 1861

  • Konstantin Viktorovich Shmelev
How to Cite
Shmelev K.V. Ideological Influence of Moscow and Kolomna Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov) on the Agrarian Reform in 1861. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 117-120.


Social and state views of one of the most prominent Orthodox-church personalities of the 19th century, metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna Filaret (Drozdov), are considered in the article primarily on the basis of epistolary heritage; his attitude to the Russian society problems of that period is revealed. The original theory about society and state based on the Orthodox-church world outlook is formulated in the writings of metropolitan Filaret (sermons, treatises, letters, etc.). One of the clearest examples of the interaction of metropolitan Filaret with the government is his participation in the preparation and holding of the peasant reform of 1861. The author believes that the role of the metropolitan was not quite clear. Realizing the enormity of the processes taking place in the state, he being one of the few tried to preserve social peace on the basis of the Christian hostel in contemporary society boiling from radical ideas and facing away from Orthodoxy.
state, power, metropolitan, peasant reform, manifest, ideas


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Shmelev, K. V. (2015). Ideological Influence of Moscow and Kolomna Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov) on the Agrarian Reform in 1861. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(3), 117-120. Retrieved from