Approaches to the Study of Security of Colleges` Environment

  • Anna Viktorovna Litvinova
How to Cite
Litvinova A.V. Approaches to the Study of Security of Colleges` Environment. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 106-110.


Necessity for carrying out the monitoring of complex safety of the educational environment in organizations of secondary professional education is substantiated in the article. Safety of the educational environment is defined as a condition of security from external and internal social and psychological threats of the vital interests of the personality, society and the state, providing realization of their educational inquiries. Development of a socially active personality happens in conditions of the safe educational environment providing physical, mental and social well-being of students. Such conditions will be organized by the governance of a college and other interested departments on the basis of operational reliable information which can be received by means of monitoring. Monitoring is considered as a method for producing necessary information about condition of various parameters of safety in the educational environment of the educational organizations for accepting managerial decisions by governance. The model of complex safety monitoring of the college environment including physical, social and psychological components and information security is described.
complex safety of educational environment, physical, social and psychological safety, information security of the educational environment, monitoring


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Litvinova, A. V. (2015). Approaches to the Study of Security of Colleges` Environment. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(3), 106-110. Retrieved from