Ecological Crisis as a Determinant of the Structure of Contemporary Political Ecology

  • Nikolai Aleksandrovich Borisov
  • Vitalii Aleksandrovich Volkov
How to Cite
Borisov N.A., Volkov V.A. Ecological Crisis as a Determinant of the Structure of Contemporary Political Ecology. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 3. P. 81-86.


The article discusses formation of the structure of political ecology as special field of political knowledge. The authors reveal the necessity of political ecology, which is the basis for modern environmental policies; and they consider its main components, concepts and principles. Analysis of ecology as a political concept allows identifying the concept of political ecology. In the first stage the struggle for possession and control of natural resources and for rational using of nature in conditions of ecological deficit leads to developing the concept of ecological and political security as a condition of political existence. Ecological national security is based on the principle of ecological and political sovereignty. In the second phase, the effect of environmental glocalization and limited possibilities for establishing a system of national ecological security results in the need for the establishment of a global protection system of the environment, based on the principle of ecological sovereignty. In the third phase anomie, inefficiency of world politics and necessity to manage ecological process creates the need for the formation of environmental state based on the principle of ecological and political responsibility.
political ecology, environmental security, sovereignty, global environmental protection, justice, ecological state, responsibility


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Borisov, N. A., & Volkov, V. A. (2015). Ecological Crisis as a Determinant of the Structure of Contemporary Political Ecology. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(3), 81-86. Retrieved from