Investment Attractiveness of Subsoil Use on the Russian Federation Territory in the Context of Global Market

  • Elena Yur'evna Livanova
How to Cite
Livanova E.Y. Investment Attractiveness of Subsoil Use on the Russian Federation Territory in the Context of Global Market. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 4. P. 36-40.


The paper shows difficulties in the investment process of subsoil use in Russia associated with the economic crisis and insufficient use of new technologies and production facilities. Risk factors that affect investment attractiveness of mineral complex industries at global and national levels are considered. Current statistics about availability, mining, and processing of minerals in Russia and about attractiveness of the sphere for foreign investors have been analysed. The problems of the Russian organization of subsoil use that reduce investment attractiveness of the industry have been discussed, and the expediency and directions of reform is substantiated.
foreign investments, investment attractiveness, subsoil use global market, factors and risks of investment attractiveness, production of mineral raw materials, reforms of the mineral complex


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Livanova, E. Y. (2015). Investment Attractiveness of Subsoil Use on the Russian Federation Territory in the Context of Global Market. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(4), 36-40. Retrieved from