Ukrainian Crisis and the «Controlled Chaos»: a Trace of Color Revolutions of the Arab Spring

  • Andrei Viktorovich Manoilo
How to Cite
Manoilo A.V. Ukrainian Crisis and the «Controlled Chaos»: a Trace of Color Revolutions of the Arab Spring. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 4. P. 24-28.


This paper is devoted to the study of the trace of the Arab Spring revolutions in modern events in Ukraine, which led to overthrow of the legitimate government of Viktor Yanukovych through the coup d’état, carried out by the «Right Sector». The author draws attention to the signs that allow attributing the «revolution» in Ukraine to the category of color revolutions, and emphasizes the similarity of color revolutions in Ukraine in 2013–2014 and in the Middle East and the North Africa in 2011–2013, known as the Arab Spring. This article extends and substantiates the thesis that the revolution in Ukraine is a modification of the scheme of color revolutions, approved in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and Syria. Their similarity allows to assume that the wave of revolutions of the Arab Spring turned to the north, to the CIS and to the borders of Russia, which seems to be their main target in the light of these events. The article also provides recommendations for resolving the Ukrainian crisis and preventing the spread of color revolutions to Russia and the CIS. Special attention is paid to the comparative historical analysis of the blockade policy of the current US president Mubarak (Barack) Hussein Obama and the continental blockade of Napoleon Bonaparte, which have undeniable similarities.
Russia, Ukraine, USA, Egypt, foreign policy, conflict, political crisis, international security, color revolutions, «controlled chaos», Arab Spring, sanctions, continental blockade


Tarle E.V. 1936. Napoleon. M., ZHZL, 624 p.
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Manoilo, A. V. (2015). Ukrainian Crisis and the «Controlled Chaos»: a Trace of Color Revolutions of the Arab Spring. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(4), 24-28. Retrieved from