Formation of Russian Identity as a Factor of Countering the Ideology of Extremism and Terrorism: Regional Aspect

  • Valerii Vasil'evich Markin
How to Cite
Markin V.V. Formation of Russian Identity as a Factor of Countering the Ideology of Extremism and Terrorism: Regional Aspect. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 6. P. 120-127.


On materials of sociological research in the troubled region (expert and mass surveys in the Republic of Dagestan, 2013) the connection of Russian identity (identification) with the relation to the ideology of extremism and terrorism is revealed. Factors contributing to the spread of ideas of extremism and terrorism in the troubled region are highlighted. Cores and zones of opposition to the extremist (terrorist) ideology with anti-terrorist ideology bound with different groups (categories) of population are shown. Motives and mechanisms of engaging in extremist activities are revealed. The author characterized the conflict background of manifestation of extremism and terrorism, the role of everyday xenophobia and aggressive moods, attitude towards violent methods of solving personal and social issues.
Russian identity, troubled region, zone of confrontation between extremist (terrorist) and antiterrorist ideologies, power methods, social and economic, spiritual and ideological rehabilitation


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Markin, V. V. (2015). Formation of Russian Identity as a Factor of Countering the Ideology of Extremism and Terrorism: Regional Aspect. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(6), 120-127. Retrieved from