Concept and Purpose of Personnel Assessment in the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation

  • Yuliya Vladimirovna Gavrilkina
How to Cite
Gavrilkina Y.V. Concept and Purpose of Personnel Assessment in the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 6. P. 99-103.


In the article the author considers the interpretation of the concept of personnel assessment. This category is studied mainly in relation to the labor of commercial organizations` employees and far less attention is paid to issues of the personnel assessment in the structures of public authorities. One reason for this seems to be the contrast between official and labor activities, taking place in the current domestic law. The author analyzes the situations when the need for the state civil service personnel assessment arises, and classifies the situations into three groups. The author substantiates the idea that a robust professional system of the state civil servants assessment may significantly improve the efficiency of public administration
personnel assessment, state civil service, public administration, employees professional activities


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Gavrilkina, Y. V. (2015). Concept and Purpose of Personnel Assessment in the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(6), 99-103. Retrieved from