Social Integration Potential of Adygean Traditional Culture in the Globalizing World

  • Asfar Askerovich Shaov
  • Vyacheslav Nurbievich Nekhai
How to Cite
Shaov A.A., Nekhai V.N. Social Integration Potential of Adygean Traditional Culture in the Globalizing World. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 5. P. 98-103.


This article discusses features of Adygean social and integrative potential's transformation, which is based on the normative regulatory system of Adyges, so called «adygage». The authors point out that in the context of blurring of Adygean social and cultural space and strengthening of globalization, a phenomenon of «adygage» suffers significant changes. According to results of sociological surveys conducted by ARIGI and by the authors, the role of «adygage» in reproducing the traditional ethno-cultural values of Adyges is decreased, and that increases the elasticity of Adygean culture on accommodation of foreign values and at the same time weakens its ethnic and cultural immunity.
social and integrative potential, Adyges, traditional culture, «adygage», globalization


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Shaov, A. A., & Nekhai, V. N. (2015). Social Integration Potential of Adygean Traditional Culture in the Globalizing World. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(5), 98-103. Retrieved from