To the Origins of Art as a Part of Spiritual Culture of Society

  • Elena Viktorovna Aralova
How to Cite
Aralova E.V. To the Origins of Art as a Part of Spiritual Culture of Society. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 5. P. 89-93.


The earliest stages of art origin which can be classified as a part of of human sosiety spiritual culture are considered in the paper. These initial elements laid the foundation of the system of knowledge and ideology, formed mental culture, specific for the cultural and historical unity of a certain society. The numerous examples are given to prove that a human being became the modern man thanks to the culture accumulated by the mankind through all the history. The historical sciences, and archeology in particular, give us sufficient information to prove that culture of the Stone Age gained a clear shape and became a characteristic feature of primitive man as not only sentient being but also creative one. The development of the primitive culture of our ancient ancestors formed «culture-art» chain which puts an essential mark on the society’s life at present.
origin of art, primitive culture, spiritual culture, Stone Age, evolution of art, religion, spirituality, homo sapiens, codes of ethics, mental heritage, dynamics of development


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Aralova, E. V. (2015). To the Origins of Art as a Part of Spiritual Culture of Society. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(5), 89-93. Retrieved from