Memory and Cultural Identity of the Peoples of North Caucasus

  • Asiet Yusufovna Shadzhe
How to Cite
Shadzhe A.Y. Memory and Cultural Identity of the Peoples of North Caucasus. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 5. P. 75-80.


Memory and identity are considered using an example of North Caucasian peoples. Some aspects of the interrelation between memory and identity categories within the North Caucasian regional community are explored in the context of culture. The thesis is proved that a personality, identifying itself with the ethnic group, realizes memory in ethnic culture. The author asserts that the culture is a basis not only of interrelations between memory and identity, but also for mutual understanding of peoples. The conclusion is drawn that in the multiethnic region the cultural policy, based on dialogue, has to be aimed at interethnic consent and preservation of each cultural/ethnic unit. The problem of identifying the uniting components for all Russian nations in order to strengthen the unity of the civil nation and the Russian national identity is raised.
culture, system, collective memory, identity, value, unity, North Caucasus, mutual understanding, Russian civil nation


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Shadzhe, A. Y. (2015). Memory and Cultural Identity of the Peoples of North Caucasus. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(5), 75-80. Retrieved from