Private and Public Complex Subjects of Russian Civil Law

  • Vyacheslav Bairovich Bazarov
How to Cite
Bazarov V.B. Private and Public Complex Subjects of Russian Civil Law. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 126-131.


The article studies the legal nature of public and private complex subjects of Russian civil law. The author analyzes the civil status of the state, municipalities, legal entities, public corporations , unitary enterprises and other complex structures. The author classifies complex subjects of Russian civil law by dividing them into private and public complex subjects of civil law. Under this classification the author determines the difference between direct and indirect participation of the state in private relations. The author suggests giving to the indirect participation the form of public judicial entities. The author does not try to solve a centuries-old debate about the relationship of private and public law, but he notes the existence of non-standard subjects of civil law, the legal nature of which is mixed.
complex subject of civil law, state, municipal corporations, private entity, public entity


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Bazarov, V. B. (2015). Private and Public Complex Subjects of Russian Civil Law. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(2), 126-131. Retrieved from