Transformation of Political Communication in the «Society – Authority» System in Modern Russia

  • Kseniya Aleksandrovna Katusheva
How to Cite
Katusheva K.A. Transformation of Political Communication in the «Society – Authority» System in Modern Russia. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 82-86.


In this article transformations of political communication and peculiarities of the dialogue between the civil society and the authority engendered by these transformations in modern Russia are considered. In particular, impulses of the society, such as the street protest movement, determined formation of a new political communicational system which is characterized by three main transformations: forced virtualization of the political communicational process, expansion of composition of operating actors from the civil society and generation of new effective mechanisms of communication with the authority by these social actors. Conclusions about the nature and pace of the declared changes are formulated.
civil society, authority, political communication


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Katusheva, K. A. (2015). Transformation of Political Communication in the «Society – Authority» System in Modern Russia. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(2), 82-86. Retrieved from