Inertial Model and Modernization Model of Political Development as a Dilemma of Power in the Discourse of Identification

  • Valentin Vasil'evich Tyan
How to Cite
Tyan V.V. Inertial Model and Modernization Model of Political Development as a Dilemma of Power in the Discourse of Identification. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 77-81.


The article is devoted to the problem of a dilemma of power in conditions of realization of the authority powers in modern conditions. Methods and conditions of permission of political dilemmas in a context of efficiency of the power are considered as well as conditionality of a choice of a model of political development by character of evolution of the power in transitive society. Both models are immiscible, and this defines the dilemma of power. The author thinks that both models of political development are not clearly preferable to the current government, because no one model is able to prevent conflict of interests, both they have high costs. But simulation of presence of alternative can lead to transformation of the dilemma of power to its problem. Problem of relations between authorities and opposition and the need to maintain ethical space for any form of implementation of these relations get a special meaning. Political crisis is brewing where the government does not engage in a dialogue with civil society. Modern political practice allows you to find a way out of the crisis if political forces give precedence to democratic principles and humanistic ideals.
power dilemma, inertial and modernization models of development, evolution, transitional society, political modeling, dialogue with civil society


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Tyan, V. V. (2015). Inertial Model and Modernization Model of Political Development as a Dilemma of Power in the Discourse of Identification. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(2), 77-81. Retrieved from