Formation of a New Proprietary Class in Conditions of Transformation of Social Relations

  • Natal'ya Georgievna Khvesyuk
How to Cite
Khvesyuk N.G. Formation of a New Proprietary Class in Conditions of Transformation of Social Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 1. P. 17-22.


For sustainable social and economic growth Russia needs to form an extensive group of proprietors with such personal qualities as feeling of ownership, involvement, contribution to the common cause, empathy, interest in corporate property. Economic behaviour motivation is based on common personal, corporate and social interests. Public consciousness separates notions «owner» and «proprietor» on the base of psychological, moral and cultural qualities. Meanwhile most people think they could become successful owners under favourable conditions.Corporate formation and implementation of corporate management practice promote achieving proprietary attitude to property.Teamwork principle is identical to the Russian mentality. That is why the majority of the Russian society prefers corporate form of ownership for economic activity, wherein seeking at the same time for participation of the state as a competent economic entity which can determine unite requirements to activity of companies and corporations.
social relations, proprietor, owner, involvement, empathy, corporatism, team spirit, economic behaviour, social interests


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Khvesyuk, N. G. (2015). Formation of a New Proprietary Class in Conditions of Transformation of Social Relations. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(1), 17-22. Retrieved from