Sovereignty and Politicization of Interethnic Relations in the USSR as a Process (the end of 1980s – the beginning of 1990s)

  • Nikolai Grigor'evich Shelepen'kin
How to Cite
Shelepen’kin N.G. Sovereignty and Politicization of Interethnic Relations in the USSR as a Process (the end of 1980s – the beginning of 1990s). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 21. No. 11. P. 171-175.


The process of sovereignization and politization of the international relations as a predetermining reason of the USSR’s collapse is reviewed in this article. It is marked that Gorbatchev’s reforms and sovereignization of the RSFSR and republics as well as ethnonationalism and separatism caused the destructive influence on the political system of the Soviet Union.
Gorbatchev, Yeltzin, perestroika, sovereignty, ethnonationalism, separatism


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Shelepen’kin, N. G. (2015). Sovereignty and Politicization of Interethnic Relations in the USSR as a Process (the end of 1980s – the beginning of 1990s). Vlast’ (The Authority), 21(11), 171-175. Retrieved from