Международная организация и плюралистическая демократия во взглядах Г.Дж. Ласки

  • Александра Львовна Сагалова sagalovaal@yandex.ru
Для цитирования
Сагалова А. Л. Международная организация и плюралистическая демократия во взглядах Г.Дж. Ласки // Власть. 2015. Том 21. № 8. С. 160-166.


Статья посвящена международно-политическим взглядам выдающегося теоретика плюралистической демократии и деятеля лейбористской партии Великобритании Г.Дж. Ласки (1893–1950), выступившего в качестве предшественника функционализма в теории международной организации.
Ключевые слова:
Г.Дж. Ласки, международная организация, функционализм, лейбористская партия, плюралистическая демократия


Deane H.A. The Political Ideas of Harold J. Laski. – N.Y. : Columbia University Press, 1955, p. 3, 86.

Laski H.J. A Grammar of Politics. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1931.

Laski H.J. The Foundations of Sovereignty and Other Essays. – N.Y. : Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1921.

Laski H.J. Studies in the Problem of Sovereignty. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 1917.

Miliband R. Harold Laski's Socialism // URL: http://www/marxists.org/archive/miliband/1995/xx/laski.htm

Zylstra B. From Pluralism to Collectivism. The Development of Harold Laski’s Political Thought. – Assen: Van Gorcum a. Comp. N.V.-Dr.H. Prakke a. H.M.G. Prakke, 1968, p. 149.

Lamb P. Harold Laski. Problems of Democracy, the Sovereign State and the International Society. – Gordonville: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004, p. 131–132, 136.


Laski H. Will the Peace Last? – L. : National Peace Council, 1944, p. 11.

Laski H.J. The Prospects of Constitutional Government // The Political Quarterly,1930, vol. I, № 3, p. 319–320.

Laski H.J. Where Do We Go from Here? – N.Y.: The Viking Press, 1940, 28–29, 66.

Laski H.J. London–Washington–Moscow. Partners in Peace? // Peace Aims Pamphlet № 22. – L. : National Peace Council, 1943, p. 7.

Cole G.D.H., Williams F., Laski H.J., Orwell G., Sutherland M. Victory or Vested Interest? – L. : George Routledge& Sons, 1942, p. 39–40.

Laski H.J. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. – N.Y. : Viking Press, 1947, p. 279.

Laski H.J. London–Washington–Moscow. Partners in Peace? …p. 7.

Laski H.J. Freedom? – Aberdeen: The Architectural Press, 1945, p. 17, p. 25

Laski H.J. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. …p. 248–249.

Streit C. Union Now: A Proposal for a Federal Union of the Democracies of the North Atlantic // URL: http://streitcouncil.org/uploads/PDF/Union%20Now%20-%20by%20Clarence%20Streit.pdf

Mitrany D. A Working Peace System. An Argument for the Functional Development of International Organization. – L. : The Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1943.

Laski H.J. Where Do We Go from Here? …p. 182.

Laski H.J. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. …p. 264.

Laski H.J. London–Washington–Moscow. Partners in Peace? …p. 18.

Laski H.J. Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time. …p. 268.

Laski H.J. Socialism as Internationalism. The Text of a Fabian Autumn Lecture Delivered at the Conway Hall on 9th December, 1948. – L. : Fabian Publications and Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1949, p. 15.
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Сагалова, А. Л. (2015). Международная организация и плюралистическая демократия во взглядах Г.Дж. Ласки. Власть, 21(8), 160-166. извлечено от https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/1988