Academic City becomes Academic Cities

  • Nikolai Zakharovich Lyakhov
How to Cite
Lyakhov N.Z. Academic City becomes Academic Cities. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 21. No. 6. P. 9-11.


The thematic issue presents the discussion about the controversial bill «On the status of the academic cities in Russia» proposed to the State Duma in March, 2013. The leading authorities in the field – well-known academics and scientists – highlight the problem. Russia’s academic community upholds the bill unanimously, being convinced that the new legislation could give a new impulse for the innovative development of the academic cities and provide the legal mechanisms for state support of the academic science. As a result, academic cities could generate new scientific knowledge and create innovative products to meet the needs of the nation’s economy. For this to be possible, three key factors are required: the political will of legislators and government, the financial support, and people capable and willing to create and generate something new. We hope that opinions and proposals of the leading scientists and academics would be taken into consideration by the government, the legislators and society
status of the academic cities, Novosibirsk, State Duma
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Lyakhov, N. Z. (2015). Academic City becomes Academic Cities. Vlast’ (The Authority), 21(6), 9-11. Retrieved from