existential intelligence coalition of V. Solovyov and N. Berdyaev and the modern russian idea (towards the 140 th anniversary of the birth of N.A. Berdyaev)

  • Sergey Anatol'evich Titarenko sergey_titarenko@mail.ru
  • Vyacheslav Nurbievich Nekhai slava0482@mail.ru
How to Cite
Titarenko S.A., Nekhai V.N. existential intelligence coalition of V. Solovyov and N. Berdyaev and the modern russian idea (towards the 140 th anniversary of the birth of N.A. Berdyaev). Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 12. P. 198-202.


The article traced a coincidence of ideological biographies of two great thinkers of Russian religious Renaissance. It is displayed the unity of the mystical search, from which some commonality of the basic mythology of the two thinkers is originated. Thus, V. Solovyov forces the Absolute through the personally-transcendent sources of a human being and then goes away to the absolute transcendence. N. Berdyaev also forces the Absolute personally-transcendentally, but it turns out, it was initially personally uncomfortable for him in primordial state, and so he immediately takes him in the act of creation, and together with his second. The authors are considering the consonance of ideas of V. Solovyov and N. Berdyaev through the philosophy of all-unity as constituting a special philosophic tie.
philosophy of all-unity, syzygy, the Absolute, inter-confessionality, Godmanhood, Russian idea
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Titarenko, S. A., & Nekhai, V. N. (2015). existential intelligence coalition of V. Solovyov and N. Berdyaev and the modern russian idea (towards the 140 th anniversary of the birth of N.A. Berdyaev). Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(12), 198-202. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/1620