Economic risks: the historical and philosophical analysis

  • Anatoly Sergeevich Troshin
How to Cite
Troshin A.S. Economic risks: the historical and philosophical analysis. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 12. P. 113-117.


The article is devoted to the historical and philosophical analysis of economic risks arising in the process of economic activity. The author demonstrates that the risk as any other process is developing in spiral logics, in accordance with the economic laws and the laws of dialectics. Analysis of the risk concept and its essence was carried out in the close connection with such categories of dialectical materialism, as a necessity and chance.
risk, economic risk, danger, probability, necessity, chance


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Troshin, A. S. (2015). Economic risks: the historical and philosophical analysis. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(12), 113-117. Retrieved from