About the problem of the social base of liberalism in Russia.

  • Elvira Anvarovna Zeletdinova zeletdinova@list.ru
How to Cite
Zeletdinova E.A. About the problem of the social base of liberalism in Russia. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 22. No. 12. P. 21-30.


The article is devoted to the problem of determining the boundaries and the dimensions of the social base of the liberal modernization of economics in Russia. The social status of the contemporary Russian bourgeoisie and modernization potential of the Russian middle class is analyzed. This social group of the Russian society is directly interested in transformation of the Russian economics into innovation one and are the speaker of the liberal ideology. As the author noted, the Russian bourgeoisie is oriented on the West and is not interested in streamlining the Russian economics. The majority of the independent Russians, particularly those, who live in the country, are not yet committed to the revolution of values. They do not express dissatisfaction with the present course of state politics, because they are afraid of the losing their jobs. This Russian bourgeoisie is mostly close to the traditional values of the Russian country.
liberalism, social layer, social ground, bourgeoisie, middle class
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Zeletdinova, E. A. (2015). About the problem of the social base of liberalism in Russia. Vlast’ (The Authority), 22(12), 21-30. Retrieved from https://jour.fnisc.ru/index.php/vlast/article/view/1582