Internet as a Phenomenon of the Cultural Evolution

  • Andrei Anatol'evich Pelipenko
How to Cite
Pelipenko A.A. Internet as a Phenomenon of the Cultural Evolution. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 1. P. 164-169.


The paper puts forward six key points that allow the author to explain the phenomenon of Internet as a systemic factor of culture, understood in a very broad sense. That is why Internet might be seen as a factor of cultural-anthropological evolution in modern times, changing the mental type of person. Eradication of the logocentric cultural paradigm with its monotheism, the presumption of sociocentric orientations is one of the most fundamental processes of our transitional period. Although the possibilities of today's Internet represent only the beginning of a new era, its transformation into a global network and a universal field of psycho-energy communication becomes the main vector of the foreseeable future. If so, humanity is in the start of not only cultural, but the anthropological revolution, the scale and the effects of which are comparable to the human release of the realm of Nature
Internet, culture, axial age, universal connection, logocentrism, post-logocentriс people, new naturalness, cultural consciousness, global network
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Pelipenko, A. A. (2015). Internet as a Phenomenon of the Cultural Evolution. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(1), 164-169. Retrieved from