Relations Between Indigenous and Migrant Populations in the Northwest Caucasus during Implementation of Compensatory Migration Programmes in the 1930s

  • Vadim Nikolaevich Rakachev
How to Cite
Rakachev V.N. Relations Between Indigenous and Migrant Populations in the Northwest Caucasus during Implementation of Compensatory Migration Programmes in the 1930s. Vlast’ (The Authority). 2015. Vol. 23. No. 1. P. 175-179.


The article considers the period of 1930s, when the state actively implemented so-called administrative approach to the migration flows management. It allowed controlling the relocation of large groups of people according to the political and economic decisions. The approach was particularly used during the period of grain procurement in the Northwest Caucasus, when a part of the local population, accused of sabotage, was evicted to Siberian and the Far Northern regions. The deserted territory was populated by the loyal to the Soviet government population – demobilized soldiers of the Red Army. On the basis of the archival documents, that were not previously used in scientific circulation, the author demonstrates the difficulties of the migrants’ social adaptation as well as hardships and tragedies that often formed their relationships with the local people.
compensatory migration, Stavropol, Kuban, indigenous population, migrants, social interaction, adaptation


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Rakachev, V. N. (2015). Relations Between Indigenous and Migrant Populations in the Northwest Caucasus during Implementation of Compensatory Migration Programmes in the 1930s. Vlast’ (The Authority), 23(1), 175-179. Retrieved from