New Phenomena in English Transliterating Russian Toponyms. Rossiya or Russia?

Research Article
  • G. G. Machkhelyan All-Russia Centre of Living Standard PLC, Moscow, Russian Federation
How to Cite
Machkhelyan G.G. New Phenomena in English Transliterating Russian Toponyms. Rossiya or Russia?. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia. 2017. Vol. 13. No. 3. P. 117-120.


Purpose. Correct using scientific and technical terms, Russian personal and place names in English. Object. Scientific terms, personal names and toponyms in Contemporary English. Subject. New phenomena in English transliterating Russian personal and place names. Basic Aspects of the Article. The author stresses the need of taking into account new approach to transliterating scientific terms, personal and place names, English transliterating Russian personal names and toponyms in particular. Using the former English transliteration of some most important toponyms of Rossiya and the Commonwealth of Independent States is to be considered incorrect. A scientific proof of some Russian toponyms (Rossiya, Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, Rus’, Moskva, Sankt- Peterburg, Russkiy) transliterated in current English has been given.
antroponyms (personal names), toponyms, toponymy ( place name study), spelling, transcription, transliteration, an upto-date standard, Rus’, Kievan Rus’, Rossiya, he Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, Belarus’, Respublika Belarus’, Ukrayina, Moskva, Sankt- Peterburg, Kyyiv, Russkiys, Belarusians, Ukrainians

Author Biography

G. G. Machkhelyan, All-Russia Centre of Living Standard PLC, Moscow, Russian Federation
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, International Information Editor of the Editorial Staff of Scientific Journals and Publishing


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Machkhelyan, G. G. (2017). New Phenomena in English Transliterating Russian Toponyms. Rossiya or Russia?. Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia, 13(3), 117-120. Retrieved from