On consolidating civic values in the minds of the youth of the Chechen Republic in the context of the formation of an all-Russian identity

Research Article
  • Vahit H. Akayev Grozny State Oil Technical University; Kh. Ibragimov Complex Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Grozny, Russia akaiev@mail.ru ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7987-3431
    Elibrary Author_id 256028
This publication was written as part of the implementation of the state assignment on the topic «Development and consolidation of civic values in the minds of young people, in the context of federal and regional aspects» (FZNU-2023-0002).
How to Cite
Akayev V.H. On consolidating civic values in the minds of the youth of the Chechen Republic in the context of the formation of an all-Russian identity. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2024. Vol. 13. No. 1. P. 125-135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18522/2227-8656.2024.1.7


Objective of the study. Consolidation in consciousness youth of the Chechen Republic civic values during implementation of the process formation of an all-Russian identity. The methodological basis of the research was carried out based on the application of the principles of dialectics and the method of system analysis. Research results. The features of the influence of civic values, patriotic consciousness of Russian youth, including Chechen youth, as a key task in the formation of an all-Russian civic identity are revealed. The success of this process is determined by consolidating a stable and inextricable connection between a person and his cultural code, ethnic group, religion, place of residence, and general values of the state. The formation of patriotic consciousness and all-Russian identity of the youth of the Chechen Republic is explicated through the thorough mastery of Russian language and culture. Prospects of the study. The research is important for strengthening the unity of the multinational Russian state. This article can be widely used in teaching social and philosophical disciplines to students, holding round tables on relevant topics.
youth, consciousness, civic values, patriotism, ethnic identity, all-Russian identity

Author Biography

Vahit H. Akayev, Grozny State Oil Technical University; Kh. Ibragimov Complex Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Grozny, Russia
Doctor of philosophical science, professor of the department socio-political disciplines Grozny State Oil Technical University named after academician M. D. Millionshchikov; chief scientific employee of the Kh. Ibragimov Complex Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences


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Received: 20.12.2023

Accepted: 27.02.2024

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Akayev, V. H. (2024). On consolidating civic values in the minds of the youth of the Chechen Republic in the context of the formation of an all-Russian identity. Humanities of the South of Russia, 13(1), 125-135. https://doi.org/10.18522/2227-8656.2024.1.7