Scientific intelligentsia in Soviet/Russian society: stages of participation in the social contract (experience of historical and sociological analysis)

Research Article
The article was written within the framework of the Russian Science Foundation project No. 23-18-00093.
How to Cite
Toshchenko Z.T. Scientific intelligentsia in Soviet/Russian society: stages of participation in the social contract (experience of historical and sociological analysis). Humanities of the South of Russia. 2024. Vol. 13. No. 1. P. 16-43. DOI:


Objective of the study. To characterize the participation of the scientific intelligentsia in the social contract with the Soviet/Russian authorities. Identify the specifics and features of this interaction at various stages of the development of Soviet/Russian society. The methodological basis of the research. On the basis of existing interpretations of the social contract, the historical and sociological foundations of the study are determined: the social position of scientists, their value orientations, the balance of interests of scientists and authorities, feedback between them. Results of the study. A generalization of scientific ideas and historical experience made it possible to identify the main characteristics of the social contract: the existence of a meaning and mechanism of interaction between the scientific intelligentsia and political power; how do the basic aspirations, value orientations and interests of scientific staff relate to official policy, what is their agreement based on; Is there a balance of power and a balance of interests, is there feedback that indicates how much the government not only listens, but also hears representatives of science. It is the consideration of these characteristics that allows us to conclude that at the center of this type of social contract is the social contract between the authorities and the scientific intelligentsia in all its diversity and multidimensionality. Research рerspectives are related to the urgent need to improve the social contract of the scientific intelligentsia with political power in connection with serious problems in ensuring the rational and effective development of science, staffing it, forms and methods of its economic and moral support.  
social contract, science, scientists, society, state, feedback

Author Biography

Zhan T. Toshchenko, Russian State University for the Humanities; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Faculty of Sociology, Russian State Humanitarian University; Chief Researcher of the Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS Sciences


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Received: 10.01.2024

Accepted: 27.02.2024

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Toshchenko, Z. T. (2024). Scientific intelligentsia in Soviet/Russian society: stages of participation in the social contract (experience of historical and sociological analysis). Humanities of the South of Russia, 13(1), 16-43.