Consolidation processes in regional society: stages of formation and resource potential

Research Article
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Hunagov R.D. Consolidation processes in regional society: stages of formation and resource potential. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 5. P. 45-58. DOI:


Objective of the study is to consider the consolidation processes in the Russian regional society through the prism of the analysis of the stages of their formation and the resource potential of consolidation processes. The methodological basis of the research. The following approaches are used in this article: regional society is considered within the framework of a spatial-systemic, as well as a synergetic approach applied to the analysis of complex hierarchical self-developing, nonlinear and ambiguous systems. In addition, consolidation processes in regional society are being researched through the prism of a resource approach. Research results. This publication clarifies the concepts of "region" and "regional society" in the context of the concept of sustainable development of the region; describes seven stages of coming to a consolidated regional society in hierarchical order from the lowest stage to the highest. The article presents seven bases of the resource potential of consolidation processes in regional society, including: patriocentric, leader-centric, nature-centric, ethnocentric, cultural-centric, family-centric, historical-centric. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop regional projects aimed at the sustainable development of the region. Prospects of the study are connected with the subsequent sociological reflection of the resource potential of consolidation processes, the search for factors of consolidation of society, as well as mechanisms and processes of the solidaristic order.
Russian society, consolidation, consolidation processes, regional society, region, stages of formation, resource potential, sustainable development

Author Biography

Rashid D. Hunagov, Adyghe State University, Maikop, Russia
Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Director of the Research Institute of Complex Problems


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Received: 08.09.2023

Accepted: 27.10.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Hunagov, R. D. (2023). Consolidation processes in regional society: stages of formation and resource potential. Humanities of the South of Russia, 12(5), 45-58.