The impact of western sanctions on the socio-economic situation in Russia and some its regions

Research Article
  • Valentina P. Skorokhodova Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
    Elibrary Author_id 437288
    ResearchID J-3885-2018
How to Cite
Skorokhodova V.P. The impact of western sanctions on the socio-economic situation in Russia and some its regions. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 4. P. 200-214. DOI:


Objective of the study is to assess the impact of the sanctions policy of Western countries on the socio-economic development of Russia, as well as individual regions as a result of the introduction by states and international organizations of restrictive measures that arose after March 2014 to the present against the background of increased geopolitical tensions. The methodological basis of the research. The problem of large-scale anti-Russian sanctions and the impact of these measures on various spheres of society continues to be very relevant, which increases the need for their objective study, a thorough analysis of the relevant scientific literature. The interdisciplinary nature of the research prompted us to rely, in particular, on such fields of knowledge as economics and law. The article uses statistical data of Rosstat, considers individual regulatory and legal sources. At the same time, the application of economic sanctions often acquires the features of an institutionalized political process, which made it possible to attract the methodological principles of institutionalism and behavioralism. Research results. An analysis of the dynamics of individual socio-economic indicators of the standard of living of the population in Russia as a whole and in its two regions — the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory showed their growth, but the small size of this growth suggests that the vulnerability of the population still exists during the period of continuous sanctions pressure from Western countries. Thus, it becomes expedient to switch to a sovereign economy that reacts poorly to external sanctions pressure, focused, among other things, on macroeconomic stability, improving the material well-being of the population. Only the cohesive work of state authorities and society will contribute to the successful reflection of anti-Russian sanctions by unfriendly countries. Prospects of the study. Further research may consist in identifying, analyzing and evaluating the facts of the application of sanctions by the initiator countries and the problems associated with the adaptation of the Russian economy, its territorial socio-economic systems in the context of current challenges. The article may be useful to government officials, researchers, specialists in the field of conflictology, political science of regional studies, as well as to anyone who is interested in this issue.
sanctions, socio-economic indicators, population, standard of living, quality of life, foreign policy, public sentiment, Russia, region, consequences of sanctions

Author Biography

Valentina P. Skorokhodova, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
PhD in Political Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Conflict Studies and National Security


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Received: 13.07.2023

Accepted: 31.08.2023

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Skorokhodova, V. P. (2023). The impact of western sanctions on the socio-economic situation in Russia and some its regions. Humanities of the South of Russia, 12(4), 200-214.