Features of Youth as a Socio-Age Group in the Implementation of Health-Saving Practices

Research Article
  • Vadim Z. Zarbaliev Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation zarbalievv@mail.ru
How to Cite
Zarbaliev V.Z. Features of Youth as a Socio-Age Group in the Implementation of Health-Saving Practices. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2021. Vol. 10. No. 3. P. 55-63. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18522/2227-8656.2021.3.4


Objective of the study is to identify the key differences between young people from other socio-age groups in committing actions in relation to their health. The methodological basis of the research is the concept of structuralist constructivism by P. Bourdieu, the theory of structuration by E. Giddens, as well as the concept of understanding sociology. Research result. The social system influences young people, socializes them and lays the foundation for the realization of their potential. In order to adapt to the conditions of the social environment, it is necessary to form independence in the early stages of youth, associated with the development of skills aimed at limiting the reproduction of health-destroying practices. Prospects of the study. The terminology used to describe a person's actions in relation to their health includes such a category as "health-saving practices", which is not sufficiently developed. Consideration of this concept, taking into account the synthesis of activity and institutional approaches, will allow us to reveal health issues from a new perspective.  
health-saving practices, youth, health-saving, healthy lifestyle, structuration theory, structuralist constructivism, institutional approach, activity approach

Author Biography

Vadim Z. Zarbaliev, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Postgraduate Student, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies


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Received: 28.04.2021

Accepted: 29.07.2021

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Zarbaliev, V. Z. (2021). Features of Youth as a Socio-Age Group in the Implementation of Health-Saving Practices. Humanities of the South of Russia, 10(3), 55-63. https://doi.org/10.18522/2227-8656.2021.3.4