Formation of Identity of the National – State Journalism in Sociocultural Space of Russia

  • Zuriet A. Zhade Adygei State University, Maikop
  • Zaur Yu. Khuako Adygei State University, Maikop
How to Cite
Zhade Z.A., Khuako Z.Y. Formation of Identity of the National – State Journalism in Sociocultural Space of Russia. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2020. Vol. 9. No. 1. P. 242-256. DOI:


Modern Russian political science has been actively researching identification processes at all levels in society in recent years. In this regard, understanding of the dynamics, specifics and content of the identity of national journalism seems to be relevant. In essence, identity in the field of mass media and mass communication remains outside the field of scientific interests of researchers. The article focuses on the interdependence of journalism identity and political identity, political and information space.Journalism as a social institution, the institution of mass media is the most important component in the structure of the political system of society. This dictates the need and relevance of the study of various aspects of the identity of Russian national (state) journalism, its identification factors. Journalism is a sphere of public activity (openness, transparency, publicity), the ability to freely receive and distribute information addressed to a mass audience.The factor of open information boundaries, wide and close interaction of the media requires real integration within the framework of all-European and world information systems. Consistently implementing the constitutional principles of freedom of information, Russian journalism must clearly identify and defend its identity in the global information space.In information interaction and counteraction, the problem of the identity of journalism, which closely interacts with political and ethnic identities, is quite acute.In the research field of identity within the framework of domestic political science, identity in the field of information and journalism remains poorly studied.The problems of political science in the field of identity research are equally becoming the focus of attention of philosophy, sociology, history and psychology. Certain aspects of the identity of information and journalism can be found in interdisciplinary research, the achievements of various social sciences and humanities.
identity, national identity, sociocultural space, journalism, mass media, mass communication, media

Author Biographies

Zuriet A. Zhade, Adygei State University, Maikop
Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor
Zaur Yu. Khuako, Adygei State University, Maikop
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor


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Received: 11.12.2019

Accepted: 03.03.2020

Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Zhade, Z. A., & Khuako, Z. Y. (2020). Formation of Identity of the National – State Journalism in Sociocultural Space of Russia. Humanities of the South of Russia, 9(1), 242-256.