Dynasties and Succession of Generations in the Soviet Press of the 1970s

  • Olga S. Mosienko Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don mosienko.olga@mail.ru
  • Galina I. Chikarova Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don galia201292@gmail.com
How to Cite
Mosienko O.S., Chikarova G.I. Dynasties and Succession of Generations in the Soviet Press of the 1970s. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 6. P. 228-240. DOI: https://doi.org/10.23683/2227-8656.2019.6.15


This article presents the results of a content analysis of publications in the newspaper «Izvestia» for 1970-1979. Content analysis of published materials allowed us to determine the limited frequency of appearance and the specifics of the content of information messages about professional dynasties in the Soviet press of the 1970s. on the example of one of the main and influential socio-political publications of the time. The study showed that in the Soviet press of the 1970s. professional dynasties were the object of public attention, the subject of pride, state recognition and encouragement for special labor merits. Work dynasties, whose biographies are closely connected with the history of labor collectives, whose achievements evoked great public resonance and had a demonstrably advanced industrial and economic character, in the family circle of which formed a value and a clear desire for professional education, were especially honored. Also, a content analysis of the publications revealed that in the role of representatives of labor dynasties, workers of factories and enterprises (men turners, locksmiths, adjusters, blacksmiths; women weavers and seamstresses), agricultural workers (tractor drivers, milkmaids) and military personnel, including sailors, pilots were most often mentioned. A special place on the pages of newspapers was devoted to the labor exploits of women, professional succession along the female line and the mastery by women of traditionally male professions.
professional dynasty, dynasty, generation, succession, labor, content analysis, publication

Author Biographies

Olga S. Mosienko, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Senior Lecturer 
Galina I. Chikarova, Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Postgraduate Student, Intern Researcher


Twins (1970). Izvestiya, 56. (in Russian).

Creating Bulgaria (1979). Izvestiya, 11. (in Russian).

Be a master (1970). Izvestiya, 5. (in Russian).

In relentless search (1978). Izvestiya, 4. (in Russian).

Ascension (1976). Izvestiya, 16. (in Russian).

All my sons (1977). Izvestiya, 60. (in Russian).

Guard lieutenant colonels (1970). Izvestiya, 56. (in Russian).

Deep roots (1976). Izvestiya, 16. (in Russian).

Kind house (1979). Izvestiya, 22. (in Russian).

Famous bass (1974). Izvestiya, 301. (in Russian).

They were related by the sky (1978). Izvestiya, 151. (in Russian).

To the top of the profession (1977). Izvestiya, 63. (in Russian).

Base (1978). Izvestiya, 151. (in Russian).

Feat every day (1978). Izvestiya, 151. (in Russian).

Portrait of the year. 1972. World, Detente, Pepsi-Cola. Available at: https:// 100.iz.ru/news/ 658265

Portrait of the year. 1974. To be or not to be? Available at: https://100.iz.ru/news/658259

Portrait of the year. 1976. We believe firmly in sports heroes! Available at: https:// 100.iz.ru/news/658262.

The chairman (1979). Izvestiya, 6. (in Russian).

Working family (1977). Izvestiya, 60. (in Russian).

Young family is growing (1977). Izvestiya, 69. (in Russian).

Lenin guard soldier (1978). Izvestiya, 10. (in Russian).

Family profession (1979). Izvestiya, 49. (in Russian).

The power of personal example. (1976). Izvestiya, 143. (in Russian).

The fairway of life (1973). Izvestiya, 289. (in Russian).

Mining dynasty (1977). Izvestiya, 69. (in Russian).
Citation Formats
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Mosienko, O. S., & Chikarova, G. I. (2019). Dynasties and Succession of Generations in the Soviet Press of the 1970s. Humanities of the South of Russia, 8(6), 228-240. https://doi.org/10.23683/2227-8656.2019.6.15