Ethical Issues of Using GMOs

  • Zaira E. Abdulaeva Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU), Makhachkala
  • Maryana S. Charandaeva Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU), Makhachkala
  • Fatima M. Shakhrieva Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU), Makhachkala
How to Cite
Abdulaeva Z.E., Charandaeva M.S., Shakhrieva F.M. Ethical Issues of Using GMOs. Humanities of the South of Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 6. P. 83-88. DOI:


The article is devoted to genetic engineering and the problems that arise in this area. The main task is to understand whether it is worth giving preference to genetic engineering products and whether this will become a substitution for natural products in our near future. The positive and negative aspects of GMOs, as well as the history of origin and, in fact, the specifics of the creation of organisms, are presented. The reasons for using GMOs specifically in Dagestan, the consequences that arose as a result, and the outcome of using modified organisms are also described. The ethical side of the problem is also touched upon, when manufacturers of modified products are not guided by human problems that may arise when using GMOs, but are guided only by their own enrichment, they think only about earnings that can exceed billions of dollars.
genetic engineering, genetically modified foods, genetically modified plants, biotechnology

Author Biographies

Zaira E. Abdulaeva, Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU), Makhachkala
Сandidate of philosophical sciences, Associate Professor
Maryana S. Charandaeva, Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU), Makhachkala
Fatima M. Shakhrieva, Dagestan State Medical University (DGMU), Makhachkala


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Osipova, G.S. (2011). Invisible danger of GMOs. Zdorov'e – osnova chelovecheskogo potentsiala: problemy i puti ikh resheniya, 1. (in Russian).

Panchin, A. (2017). Beating God. Populyarnaya mekhanika, 13, 32-35. (in Russian).
Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Abdulaeva, Z. E., Charandaeva, M. S., & Shakhrieva, F. M. (2019). Ethical Issues of Using GMOs. Humanities of the South of Russia, 8(6), 83-88.